Buses in Vienna fill up with green hydrogen

AT | Wien

FEST is developing hydrogen infrastructure for the city of Vienna for the use of green hydrogen in public transport

With the production of green hydrogen from green electricity, our client Wiener Netze is making an important contribution to achieving the climate goals of the city of Vienna.

FEST’s H2 generation plant is being built on the campus of Wiener Netze, and will be operated by Wien Energie in the future. The plant will be used to refuel buses with green hydrogen.


Technical data

  • 3 MW electrolysis plant
  • Power container and PtG container as well as cooling and refrigeration unit
  • MAXIMATOR Hydrogen delivers refueling solution

Climate-neutral city of Vienna and the use of green hydrogen. Read more about the project and the operator Wiener Netze here.

Busse tanken grünen Wasserstoff in Wien. FEST Wasserstoff-Infrastruktur im Einsatz bei der Erreichung der Klimaziele der Stadt.
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